Thursday, September 19

Some old lady today decided to tell me that this generic bubble bath we sell is her favorite. Now not only did I really not give a shit, but now I have this horrible image of some 80 year old woman taking a bubble bath. God damn I wish therapy was free.

I am filling out a survey for my job. Here is what I put in for my comments: “I hate my job and I hate this company. I have worked in this store for 7 1/2 years and since Nash Finch has taken over it has gone straight to hell. I have no ill feelings towards my coworkers because they feel the same way I do. I have worked in other stores owned by Nash and this feeling is there also. Reward and praise is nonexistent. The only time our job is commented on is when it’s negative feedback. I have not been given a review or raise for the past 3 1/2 years, which just happens to be the same time Nash took over. This store used to be like a family, with the small town/store attitude. Now we just show up to get paid. The latest threat from corporate was if we didn’t meet our labor, we would be fired: good morale raiser huh? For a company that expects us to bend over backwards for our customers – they don’t know how to treat their employees.”